Thursday, December 18, 2008


In my last post, I touched on the fact that I don't feel as artistic or creative as others, but there is one thing that I absolutely love doing. I love cooking. I know many people feel the same way, but I absolutely adore presentation. Converting from an omnivore to a pescatarian is difficult. Whenever I buy vegetables, I have to make sure I either eat them quickly, or dispose of them when they go bad. You can't buy in bulk and expect not to eat more than usual.

Today I made some mini cheesecakes. I enjoy doing motherly things. I enjoy cleaning, and cooking, and taking care of people. I'm making tons of mini-cheesecakes but I'm definitely not going to eat them all. I think about 4-5 times a year, I bring some baked goods to work. I just like having people eat my food, and enjoying it. It's a way to make other people happy. I should refrain from eating it myself though.

Being with Alex, I'm learning to be a lot more frugal. This Christmas excluded, because I'm in the mood for giving. I have my creative streaks. I'm creative for the sake of others, but not for myself.

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