Monday, October 12, 2009


I feel as though I have so much potential to thrive in this economy, yet I'm failing every day to make ends meet. I truly wish more opportunities would arise for me, and I'm in a completely dead end job. I wish it weren't dead end, and at one point it wasn't.

Every time something opens up, I've been ineligible in some way, or just don't have enough experience. I've been working to put myself through college, and I did, yet I can't find a single damn job to at least pay off the bills I have. It's so frustrating, and even more frustrating that I have no one to turn to except you. At least I can get this out somewhere. I refuse to let anyone see me weak, and I guess that's the biggest reason no one will know. I'll cry if I talk to them about it, and I don't want to burden anyone with that. I just need this week to go by, and fast.

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